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Summit Online Learning Outline

April 27th 

Day 1 - Marshall

Assignment for the Day:

Quaver Music -- >  Blues Music

**Need Help getting to the Quaver website?

Go to the  tab that says, "Online Learning Tools"

for a step by step video.

Challenge of the Week #4-- > The Blues

For this week's challenge, you have got the blues.
But don't be sad, I'm talking about the blues musical style. You are going to write your own lyrics to a blues musical track. It can be about whatever you would like. Remember that blues music was about broken hearts, sadness, having no money, and bad luck. Below is the track that you are going to speak over. Enjoy!  



** Reminder, you only have to upload one flipgrid video a week. 


Confused? Check out my example on Flipgrid by clicking on the button below.  

April 29th 

Day 2 - Richardson

Assignment for the Day:

Quaver Music -- >  Broadway

**Need Help getting to the Quaver website?

Go to the  tab that says, "Online Learning Tools"

for a step by step video.


Challenge of the Week #4-- > Broadway 

"Give my regards to BROADWAY!" Have you ever heard this phrase before? We are "traveling" to New York City this week to learn a little more about the musical style, Broadway. Broadway is a street found in New York City that is home to many famous theaters. Now this theatre isn't a movie type theatre to watch Frozen, but instead it is where actors and actresses act on stage LIVE to tell a story. 

Here is your challenge this week... This will require you to do a little research on google. What is the difference between a Broadway musical and a play? I will give you a hint... One of these, has singing involved in the live show? Which one is it? Could you tell the class one broadway musical that is/was famous at one time. 


** Reminder, you only have to upload one flipgrid video a week. 


Confused? Check out my example on Flipgrid by clicking on the button below.  

April 30th 

Day 3 - Woods

Assignment for the Day:

Quaver Music -- >  Broadway

**Need Help getting to the Quaver website?

Go to the  tab that says, "Online Learning Tools"

for a step by step video.


Challenge of the Week #4-- > Broadway 

"Give my regards to BROADWAY!" Have you ever heard this phrase before? We are "traveling" to New York City this week to learn a little more about the musical style, Broadway. Broadway is a street found in New York City that is home to many famous theaters. Now this theatre isn't a movie type theatre to watch Frozen, but instead it is where actors and actresses act on stage LIVE to tell a story. 

Here is your challenge this week... This will require you to do a little research on google. What is the difference between a Broadway musical and a play? I will give you a hint... One of these, has singing involved in the live show? Which one is it? Could you tell the class one broadway musical that is/was famous at one time. 


** Reminder, you only have to upload one flipgrid video a week. 


Confused? Check out my example on Flipgrid by clicking on the button below.  

May 1st

Day 4 - Johnson

Live Lesson at 8:20 a.m.

Assignment for the Day:

Quaver Music -- >  Broadway

**Need Help getting to the Quaver website?

Go to the  tab that says, "Online Learning Tools"

for a step by step video.


Challenge of the Week #4-- > Broadway 

"Give my regards to BROADWAY!" Have you ever heard this phrase before? We are "traveling" to New York City this week to learn a little more about the musical style, Broadway. Broadway is a street found in New York City that is home to many famous theaters. Now this theatre isn't a movie type theatre to watch Frozen, but instead it is where actors and actresses act on stage LIVE to tell a story. 

Here is your challenge this week... This will require you to do a little research on google. What is the difference between a Broadway musical and a play? I will give you a hint... One of these, has singing involved in the live show? Which one is it? Could you tell the class one broadway musical that is/was famous at one time. 


** Reminder, you only have to upload one flipgrid video a week. 


Confused? Check out my example on Flipgrid by clicking on the button below.  

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